Social psychology

Department that provides study: Psychology and pedagogy of Faculty of Sociology and Law

Possible limitations: Only for students studying in an English-language educational program

Level of higher education: First (bachelor’s)

Specialties for which the course is adapted: For all specialties (except 231 Social work)

Year of study, semester: 2 year, fall or spring semester

Course total scope and hours distribution of classroom work and self-study: 2 credits ECTS – 60 hours (classroom classes: lectures – 18 hours, practical – 18 hours; self-study – 24 hours)

Language of study: English

Requirements for begin studying the discipline: General knowledge of history, literature, discipline "Man and the World" within the school program

What will be studied: Social psychology is a branch of psychological knowledge that studies the patterns of communication and the joint activity of people involved in different social groups, as well as the characteristics of the groups themselves.

Why is this interesting / worth exploring: The study of the discipline "Social Psychology" provides the formation of social skills (Soft Skills), which allow you to be successful regardless of the specifics of the activity and the direction in which the person works.

What can you learn:


  • main directions of social psychology development;
  • basic principles, concepts and categories of social psychology;
  • methods of social and psychological research;
  • features and patterns of socio-psychological processes and phenomena;
  • mechanisms and scenarios of interpersonal interactions.


  • explain socio-psychological processes and phenomena;
  • carry out the socio-psychological analysis of socialization and development of the personality;
  • predict the development of social situations;
  • interact with different types of personalities;
  • effectively build the communication process;
  • analyze one’s own activity as a component of collective activity;
  • identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the formation of group regulators of individual and group behavior;
  • analyze the socio-psychological nature of conflicts, to develop recommendations for their correction and settlement;
  • track and characterize various group phenomena.

How to use the acquired knowledge and skills: The study of Social Psychology will promote the development of communication skills, situational awareness, adaptability, flexibility, building constructive relationships, achieving success in the professional field and other activities.

Information support of the discipline: Syllabus, educational-methodical guidance

Semester assessment: Test

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